It depends on how you like your English seasoned.
Did you hear the one about Rajipur, who was interviewing for a
telephone support job?
Personnel manager says, "Now, Rajipur, I want to give you a quick
English test here. I want you to make up a sentence using the words,
"Green", "Pink" and "Yellow". Tell me when you are ready."
Rajipur answers, "I am ready."
"Go ahead, then."
" Alright. The phone goes 'green', 'green', 'green', and I pink it up
and say, yellow, this is Rajipur."
But when you call GoLiveHost, they answer "G'day, mate ... got a
few Kangaroos loose on the top paddock? We 'll have a go at that and
get it handled any tick o' the clock."